Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Many have mentioned songs using the word good. What pops into my head as old sing-song type drivel is a little poem I have NO idea when or where I learned, or why.
"Good, Better, Best. Never let it rest; til the good is better, and the better best."
A bit trite, but not a bad montra (is that spelled correctly? I have heard it said often but am not sure I have ever seen it written)

My initial and real thinking on the topic actually went a completely different direction, based, I am sure, on the fact that in the last 13 days, my mother-in-law (of 30+ years), who has really fought the good fight against cancer for the last 24 years, finally lost her battle to keep the demon at bay. That is not all bad, not when one has fought against such an adversary for more than one fourth of one's life, gone through chemo four times, and in between has tried to lead as normal a life as possible with husband, children, family and friends.

Wonderful relatives really came together for Mom's funeral and to support Dad. We had a gathering of cousins and aunts and uncles such as I have not seen since the last year we all did Christmas together in the early '70s, in the town where all 4 grandparents lived. After we laid Mom to rest beautifully, we were able to celebrate her life with laughter and happy memories. And thus my meditation on good:

Love is good. Love and faith are truly good. Little else is so wholly good. The love and support of family and friends in times of sorrow, stress, and/or need are literally the embodiment of good.


Blogger Becca said...

Your last paragraph is like a poem...

Very lovely post.

6:17 PM  

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