Friday, August 24, 2007

Sinking feeling SS# 74

I get that sinking feeling.....

....when the phone rings as I am running out the door nearly late

... when the door swings closed behind me and I don't know where my keys are

....when I realize I am not going to cook what I had planned for tonight because one of the crucial ingredients has gone bad in the crisper drawer

....when I realize how late it has gotten and now I can't make that phone call I really needed to make tonight

The light and the heat of the day
Are finally draining from the sky.
I've slowed down enough to unwind
Whether I was ready to or not.
I find myself intermittantly
Struggling to reopen my eyes.
Next I notice
I've read the same 2 sentences
More times than I can count, and
I have NO idea what they say.

I've got that sinking feeling
I am not going to
get this set of papers graded /
finish writing this test
Before I sleep tonight.

Too many projects, too many commitments, too much to do,
Too few hours in every day, simply too little time,
Not enough energy or money or time.

At least hardly any of my sinking feelings are from getting caught doing something I shouldn't;
Because I don't have the time and energy to do all the things I should!!

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